How to Create Carousels with Bootstrap 3

Creating Carousels with Bootstrap The carousels popularly known as slide shows are some of the best ways of showcasing huge amount of contents within a small space on the web pages. It is a dynamic presentation of contents where text and images are made visible or accessible to the user by cycling through several items. […]

Simple navigation menu with HTML and CSS.

It doesn’t get much simpler than the navigation bar shown. The container element is a ul element that contains li elements, all of which are links.

Stopping & Starting HTML Marquees

This example allows the user to stop the marquee when they hover over the marquee with their cursor (i.e. onmouseover). The marquee then continues when the user hovers away from the marquee (i.e. onmouseout).  <marquee behavior=”scroll” direction=”left” onmousedown=”this.stop();” onmouseup=”this.start();”>Click Here and hold the mouse marquee stop</marquee> <p><a href=”https://kumarsher45.wordpress.com/”>Marquee Start/Stop</a></p> <!– Marquee Start/Stop by My Life […]

How to fix position of DOM element on scroll?

How to fix position of DOM element on scrolling window 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 $(document).scroll(function() { var x=$(document).scrollTop(); if(x>=30) { document.getElementById(“fix”).style.position=”fixed”; document.getElementById(“fix”).style.top=”0px”; document.getElementById(“fix”).style.zIndex=”120″; } else { document.getElementById(“fix”).style.position=”relative”; document.getElementById(“fix”).style.top=”auto”; } });

Using HTML5 Elements in Non-HTML5 Browsers.

Sections and headings elements should work in most non-HTML5 browsers. Though unsupported, they don’t need a special DOM interface and they only need a specific CSS styling as unknown elements are styled as display:inline by default: 1 2 3 section, article, aside, footer, header, nav, hgroup { display:block; }  This method has its limitation though, as […]

Adding external (Menu) JavaScript, CSS and Images in a project using CodeIgniter

Originally posted on Technology Story:
Open config.php file (Under application/config folder) and change the following line $config[‘base_url’] = “”; to $config[‘base_url’] = “http://localhost/cimenu&#8221;; //here cimenu is the folder where all the files of CodeIgniter is Now open autoload.php file (Under application/config folder) and change the following line $autoload[‘helper’] = array(); to $autoload[‘helper’] = array(‘url’, ‘form’);…

Lavalamp for jQuery Lovers – Project

Let me get you started on integrating LavaLamp into your jQuery powered site. I hope you agree that a typical HTML widget consists of 3 distinct components. A semantically correct HTML markup A CSS to skin the markup An unobstrusive javascript that gives it a purpose Now lets follow the above steps and implement the […]

Image slider with Mouse wheel and navigation buttons together.

This demo is to show that you can use both mouse wheel and navigation buttons both for the same carousel. Try scrolling your mouse wheel or clicking on the next and previous buttons.