Using PHP to Backup MySQL Databases

There are at least three ways to backup your MySQL Database :   Execute a database backup query from PHP file. Run mysqldump using system() function. Use phpMyAdmin to do the backup. Execute a database backup query from PHP file Below is an example of using SELECT INTO OUTFILE query for creating table backup : […]

Difference between == and === in PHP?

When comparing values in PHP for equality you can use either the == operator or the === operator. What’s the difference between the 2? Well, it’s quite simple. The == operator just checks to see if the left and right values are equal. But, the === operator (note the extra “=”) actually checks to see […]

How to import .csv files in the database from phpmyadmin

You have to remember a few things to successfully import .csv files in the database from phpmyadmin. Save your Excel file as a csv file. Please Do not save it as a workbook or any other format, check it with a text reader such as notepad or similar. You can see that each column is […]