Tag Archive | Add JavaScript

How to Create Carousels with Bootstrap 3

Creating Carousels with Bootstrap The carousels popularly known as slide shows are some of the best ways of showcasing huge amount of contents within a small space on the web pages. It is a dynamic presentation of contents where text and images are made visible or accessible to the user by cycling through several items. […]

Using HTML5 Elements in Non-HTML5 Browsers.

Sections and headings elements should work in most non-HTML5 browsers. Though unsupported, they don’t need a special DOM interface and they only need a specific CSS styling as unknown elements are styled as display:inline by default: 1 2 3 section, article, aside, footer, header, nav, hgroup { display:block; }  This method has its limitation though, as […]

Adding external (Menu) JavaScript, CSS and Images in a project using CodeIgniter

Originally posted on Technology Story:
Open config.php file (Under application/config folder) and change the following line $config[‘base_url’] = “”; to $config[‘base_url’] = “http://localhost/cimenu”; //here cimenu is the folder where all the files of CodeIgniter is Now open autoload.php file (Under application/config folder) and change the following line $autoload[‘helper’] = array(); to $autoload[‘helper’] = array(‘url’, ‘form’);…